Monday, February 6, 2017

Mountain climbing kids.

Christmas Day! Shannon and Colin were so cooperative and opened presents just a few at a time so I could see all of it.

Hanging up stockings on Christmas Eve and then opening them the next morning. I had a terrible stomach bug so there aren't any pictures of me!

Baking the cake for Shannon's party. It was art-themed.

Shannon's 10th birthday!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Trick or Treating with a bat witch and Darth Vader.

We made ghosts for Halloween decorations.

Playing in the leaves. Just after this Colin grabbed a mouthful and put them in his mouth. It took a while to get them all out.

Colin in a variety of containers.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Shannon's First Groupie... I mean first day at school 20016-2017

Saturday, June 25, 2016

The very next day it was time for the Insane Inflatable 5K

Day 6: Gooseberry Falls

Day 5

Climbing around the breakwater and lighthouse in Grand Marais. Plus playing in the sand. It was the first sunny day so even though it was only around 60 it felt nice and warm.

Some loons came to say hi.

Alpine slide and mountain tram at Lutsen.

Day 4: North Shore Scenic Railroad, Great Lakes Aquarium

No more pictures - it poured all day.
Day 3: Canoeing in the Boundary Waters. Notice the lack of pictures of Colin, unless you look carefully under the pile of coats in the bottom of the canoe.