Sunday, November 18, 2007

About a week ago we got Shannon her first pair of shoes. She celebrated by immediately standing by herself in the shoe store, which she had never done before. She then proceeded to walk all over the mall just hanging onto my sleeve. Within a week, she was walking. Yesterday on her birthday she mastered standing up by herself without holding on to anything. Currently she can walk 20-30 feet without falling over and she even tried running today. I'm kind of sad - I will miss the way she just puts her head down and crawls as fast as she can to something interesting. Still, it will be fun going for real walks and playing on more than just the swings at the playground.

So here she is. For some reason she walks better if she is holding something in her hands. Yesterday she carried a saucepan all the way into her room.

1 comment:

Dave said...


Sooo, when does she get her new pink bike??