Sunday, December 28, 2008

The new kitchen was a huge hit. Alex is a little confused by the fake food, though, and keeps trying to eat it.

Her teapot set is one of her favorite toys now. We actually have to set a timer to limit the time she spends with it because we can only play "pour the tea" so many times.

Shannon really likes her new tent!

Now that she has jewelry, she thinks she can dress up Daddy!

Shannon opening presents. Nice hair!

Hanging up stockings...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our little helper. She really liked helping with the tree.

Alex actually likes the tree topper we got a couple years ago. He was chirping at it and trying to get it to preen his head.

Shannon the Storm Trooper.

Shannon found my glasses in my backpack the other day. At least this time I didn't need to pay a visit to Lenscrafters to get them put back in alignment.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy second birthday, Shannon!

Friday, November 14, 2008

More pictures from our trip.

A few weeks ago Shannon and I took the train down to visit my parents. We had an early birthday party while we were there. She isn't wearing much because there was a little accident while we were out so we were waiting for her clothes to go through the wash. She had a great time, and thanks Aunt Sarah for letting us invade your house and terrorize the cats.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Look! Shannon can ride Mommy's bike!

Shannon got her new big quilt for her big girl bed today. Nina made it for her and she loves it!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shannon helped Mom and Dad clean up the yard today. As always, she was concerned about safety and so made sure to have her helmet on before jumping into any leaf piles.

Shannon went Trick or Treating for the first time this year. To add to the fun she went with her friend Sammy. They had a kind of Toy Story theme going. Both of them had a great time. After going to a few houses for candy they spent the rest of the evening handing out candy at Sammy's house.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Shannon loves the train set she got for her birthday. I just wish I could get her to smile for the camera!

Shannon still isn't very excited about helping carve the pumpkin this year. She really liked picking it out but doesn't want to get dirty.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shannon and Alex shared an apple and nobody got hurt!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Shannon and Daddy being silly for the camera.

Play-Doh is so much fun! Tasty, too.

Shannon likes to swim in the bath now.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Shannon loves finger painting. The only problem is I thought it would be funny to have her paint herself one day. Now she pretty much only paints herself. Here she is with her war paint on.

Shannon started day care last week. Here she is heading out the door with her back pack with her clothes and nap time blanket in it.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Zachary came to play with Shannon the other day. He behaved quite well but Shannon unfortunately had an attack of the "Mine!"s. Here she at least managed to pretend to play nicely but of course, the boat later took a wrong turn and poor Zachary got nailed in the head.

We recently removed the side rail of Shannon's crib to see how she would do in a regular bed. She actually is doing very well and doesn't even get out of bed in the morning - she still waits for us to come get her.