Friday, July 30, 2010

We have a new member of the family. Her name is Daisy. I hope she likes pink - guess who picked out all the accessories. I do realize that it is actually a boy fish but Shannon doesn't believe me.

Here are some pictures of Shannon at gymnastics class. The pictures aren't great because the camera is arguing with me right now.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We went to the Barnyard Dance park for a picnic tonight. Since it was over 90 we had the park pretty much to ourselves.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Shannon got a bug bite on her forehead that made her entire face swell up. This picture doesn't really do it justice - she didn't look at all like herself. Then that night she put her face down by the floor of the deck to look at the baby birds in their nest and when she stood up she had at least a dozen little brown bugs crawling in her hair (this picture was after the shower she got to wash the bugs out). It was really not a good bug day.

Nap time!

My mom made Shannon a new shirt to wear when she misses her dad.