Monday, February 21, 2011

Every day I ask Shannon what she wants to wear and she usually says "dress". Yesterday she said "1979". I couldn't figure out what she wanted so I jokingly asked if she wanted to wear something from 1979. She said yes (which I doubt she meant since I am pretty sure she couldn't say what year this is, much less what the year 1979 means). So lucky for her I happened to have a dress of mine from approximately 1979. Here she is in it. She got a ton of compliments on it, too.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pogo sticks are fun!

This is Shannon's new favorite outfit (thanks, Taylor). She likes it because I said it looked like she was wearing a school uniform. Now every time she wears it she asks everyone she meets (random strangers included) if she looks like a school girl. Hard to imagine what they are thinking.

Shannon and her buddies Galen and Otis.