Sunday, December 28, 2008

The new kitchen was a huge hit. Alex is a little confused by the fake food, though, and keeps trying to eat it.

Her teapot set is one of her favorite toys now. We actually have to set a timer to limit the time she spends with it because we can only play "pour the tea" so many times.

Shannon really likes her new tent!

Now that she has jewelry, she thinks she can dress up Daddy!

Shannon opening presents. Nice hair!

Hanging up stockings...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our little helper. She really liked helping with the tree.

Alex actually likes the tree topper we got a couple years ago. He was chirping at it and trying to get it to preen his head.

Shannon the Storm Trooper.

Shannon found my glasses in my backpack the other day. At least this time I didn't need to pay a visit to Lenscrafters to get them put back in alignment.