Thursday, June 16, 2011

We got to take a ride on a large sailboat, although sadly it was so calm they actually had the little motor on the entire time and I don't think any actual sailing occurred. The skipper did let Shannon steer back into the harbor and he had her doing an obstacle course through all the berths. I am sure the owners of all those boats would have been thrilled to know that a 4 year old was driving this large sailboat right next to their boats.

Just up the river from our campsite was Hidden Falls. The whole park was full of these areas where the river narrowed to around a foot across and went through some very turbulent falls. There weren't many walls or barriers either so we spent most of the trip hanging on very tightly to Shannon's hand (or else sitting her somewhere with strict warnings about NOT MOVING).

One of the rocks on the beach had a hole all the way through it.

We had a great time on the North Shore. We stayed at Temperance River State Park after the RV decided it didn't want to go in reverse anymore and our original campsite didn't have any pull through camp sites. Despite that, we had a great time. These pictures are from Temperance River.